Fashion Show At 30,000 Feet

Fashion Show At 30,000 Feet

Fiji’s first Fashion Flight is all set to be staged at 30,000 feet in the air, during a Fiji Airways flight to Wellington on Thursday. Fiji Airways, Fiji Broadcasting Corporation

Fiji’s first Fashion Flight is all set to be staged at 30,000 feet in the air, during a Fiji Airways flight to Wellington on Thursday.

Fiji Airways, Fiji Broadcasting Corporation and Project Jejemon will create a remarkable record with their 10-minute fashion shoot.

TV show Jejemon producer and presenter Andhy Blake yesterday announced two models will model six garments in front of passengers travelling to Wellington on an inaugural Fiji Airways flight.

Mr Blake said the flight would officially launch the July 4th Project Jejemon Fashion and Design Awards.

“The fashion flight will feature two models, in six garments by six designers on a 10-minute fashion show,” Mr Blake said.

The six designers are Hupfeld Hoerder, Anton Conway Wye, Moira Solvalu John, Aisea Konrote, Rosie Semisi and Ilai Jikoiono.

In between the modelling, there will be talk breaks to entertain the passengers about project Jejemon Fiji.

“At a normal designer fashion show, we show 18 garments in 13 minutes but for our first ever fashion show we will have six garments, talk breaks and two models strutting out the designs,” Mr Blake said.

The announcement of the show will be done on the flight after meal services. A passenger will be also judged as the best-dressed passenger and will win a return trip to either New Zealand or Australia with Fiji Airways.

Mr Blake said that two years of pursuing this dream was actually becoming a reality for him.

“I am very grateful for the platform given to me by FBC and I think the support of Fiji Airways has made this dream into a bigger reality because I know with my ideas I can make it even more innovative, something that has not been done before in Fiji and put Fiji’s fashion industry upfront and bring the eyes to Fiji,” he said.

Model Vasiti Radekedeke and Heather Marama are two models who will showcase their modelling talents plus display the designs during the flight.


Source: Fiji Sun

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