Fiji Airways, FBC TV Fly Into Record Books

Fiji Airways, FBC TV Fly Into Record Books

Fiji Airways and FBC TV’s Jejemon flew into the record books yesterday by staging the world’s highest catwalk show at 37,001 feet. It beat a previous record set by Air

Fiji Airways and FBC TV’s Jejemon flew into the record books yesterday by staging the world’s highest catwalk show at 37,001 feet.

It beat a previous record set by Air New Zealand.

Fiji Airways inaugural flight to Wellington, known as the fashion flight, launched the Project Jejemon Fashion and Design Awards that takes place next Saturday, July 4.

“I am honoured to have staged the highest catwalk show in the World and all credit must be given to our national airline and FBC for providing me with such a great platform, a two-year dream has become a reality so this can be ticked of my ‘to do list’,” said Project Jejemon director Andhy Blake.

Mr Blake is also the producer/presenter for the FBC TV fashion show Jejemon.

“Whenever I set out to do something that is creative, I try to stage something that gets the attention of the world that puts the spotlight on Fiji – we might be a small island in the Pacific but we have dreams that is just as great so someone that might be in Paris!,” he said.

The Project Jejemon Designer and Model of the Year will win return trips with Fiji Airways to Wellington, New Zealand, and cash prizes of $1000 and $500 respectively!

“When you stage something unique for your country, the successful result feels amazing – I always do so for Fiji and to benefit our youths and people,” Mr Blake said.

Tickets to project Jejemon costs $70 for Row A and $50 for Row B and can be bought from Broadcasting House, 69 Gladstone Road, Suva.

Source: Fiji Sun

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